ASAP Rocky is one of the most established performers in the music industry, with two Grammy awards to his name. This rapper’s art is not only his music–it is also expressed on his body.
ASAP Rocky has nine tattoos on his body, located in different areas.

Each of this rapper’s tattoos has its own meaning, and here’s what we know about them.
How many tattoos does ASAP Rocky have?
ASAP Rocky is one of the artists who get tattoos inked on his skin whenever he needs a means to express himself. In these instances, he got nine tattoos on different parts of his body–from his face, knees, and abdomen.
Is there any significance attached to the number of tattoos ASAP Rocky has?
ASAP Rocky has unique body art, which adds up to nine. But numbers have meanings, and we wonder if ASAP Rocky’s tattoo numbers have any purpose.
The number 9 means completion in numerology, but the number of ASAP Rocky’s tattoos has no meaning. Looks like this number can either go up or down (if he decides to get any lasered off of his skin).
Does ASAP Rocky have a tattoo of Rihanna?
ASAP Rocky and singer-slash-fashion mogul Rihanna became an item in February 2022 as she talked about their relationship in a Vogue interview. The two became close in 2013, following her breakup with Chris Brown.
Rihanna went on tour with the rapper, and they spent a lot time with each other. But somewhere around 2014/15, the couple took a hiatus, and nobody heard about them. Rihanna and ASAP eventually made their relationship public again in 2022, and fans started rooting for them.
When two people are head over heels in love with each other (like ASAP and RiRi are), they tend to keep a little something of their partners with them. One such way of doing this is getting a tattoo of their partner’s name or face.
So–does ASAP Rocky have a tattoo of Rihanna?
ASAP Rocky has many tattoos but none of his ladylove, RiRi. It’s okay, we’re not worried. Some believe that tattooing your partner’s name or face can also jinx the relationship.
What are the meanings in ASAP Rocky’s tattoos?
As mentioned earlier, ASAP Rocky has a total of nine tattoos. While some are more easily seen than others, all have deep meanings. Let’s get to know each–and have a better understanding of the rapper as well.
Cross sign
ASAP Rocky has a tattoo of a cross around his right knee. It signifies the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. ASAP shows off the tattoo to show his belief in the Christian faith.
ASAP Rocky is part of a group called ASAP Mob, which started a streetwear line in 2011. The group named the brand VLONE and Rocky got a 3D V tattoo behind his left ear. It signifies his love for the brand and can also be easy marketing.
Anarchy symbol
On ASAP Rocky’s left thigh, there is an anarchy symbol that signifies his belief in the anarchy. People who consider themselves anarchists have a deep belief in an individual’s total freedom and reject any idea of governmental authority.
The word, ANARCHY, is spelled out right above the rapper’s left knee. The tattoo shows that he is unashamedly following his beliefs and is not afraid to let people know.
Still on his right thigh, ASAP Rocky has another tattoo that reads, “if not now then when.” The quote encourages people to stop procrastinating and start acting on their dreams.
In 2006, a group of hip-hop artists and rappers formed and called it A$AP Mob. Although ASAP Rocky wasn’t one of their pioneers, he was still one of the most respected leaders. The ASAP LIFE tattoo is located on his stomach and people see it when he goes shirtless at concerts.
Beneath the IF NOT NOW THEN WHEN tattoo is DARE. This art is located directly above his left knee and it speaks of his personality. The rapper is known for making uncanny moves and bold steps.
The rapper embodies this belief in other ways, such as in fashion, as well.
Pirate symbol
The pirate sign is tatted below ASAP’s left knee and it symbolizes bravery.
ASAP Rocky’s ninth tattoo is unidentified but it’s located on his left hand.
Is ASAP Rocky an anarchist?
Anarchists are people who don’t believe in obeying regulated authorities and ASAP Rocky has proven to be one. He talks about his beliefs during interviews and also has tattoos on his body to indicate that he belongs to the school of thought.