Nancy Pelosi is a super-rich politician, first elected to Congress way back in 1987, but how did she gather her wealth?
Nancy Pelosi is worth over $120 million, owing to a number of reasons. While she had a massive salary for her role as the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, a lot of her money came from property investments, inheritance, the authoring of books, and her husband’s stock market tradings.

Read on to learn more about Nancy Pelosi and her ascension to wealth.
Money Talks
As the Speaker of the U.S House of Representatives, Pelosi was collecting a huge salary. In 2020, this was measured to be around $250,000 a year. When compared to the rest of the United States government, she was at the top.
Behind the President and the Vice President, she was the third-highest-paid elected official.
As if that wasn’t impressive enough, she’d also become the first politician in six decades to secure the role, twice. Not only that, but she was also the oldest person to land the job, and the only woman.
So, when it comes to her political acumen, Pelosi is a standout special performer.
She’d cut her teeth in politics way back in the eighties, and has worked alongside many presidents and campaigns.
Since becoming a career politician, she’s seen the likes of Donald Trump, Barack Obama, George W., and George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Ronald Reagan in office.
She’d had politics in her blood since birth, with her father holding office as a Congressman when she was born.
He’d ultimately transition to become the Mayor of Baltimore when Nancy was a young child. As if that wasn’t enough, her brother would also go on to be the Mayor of Baltimore.
As she was the daughter and sibling of those heavily enveloped in politics, it was her natural path.
She became interested in politics after witnessing her father’s involvement. In 1961, she witnessed the inauguration of John F. Kennedy.
As time went on, Pelosi’s political salary grew exponentially.
Her entry into the Speaker role in 2011 secured her a prestigious position in the government. In 2020, CNN named Pelosi the “single most powerful female member of Congress in American history.”
The Good Old American Dollar
Nancy Pelosi has admittedly worked hard to secure her wealth. Not only did she claim a huge salary for her incredible work in office, but she was talented outside of the role.
As of 2020, she’d penned three successful books, and worked with her husband in and around the stock market.
Her husband, Paul Pelosi, has reportedly secured stocks in Apple, Facebook, Comcast, and Disney.
These are some of the richest corporations on the planet. The pair also own numerous properties around the country, mainly in California.
It’ll be interesting to see where the political climate takes Pelosi. As of 2020, she was still firmly in office and standing against President Donald Trump.
She worked to impeach Trump in 2018 and spoke out against a number of his policies and promises. She disapproved of his ‘wall’ claims, and called his executive actions, “absurdly unconstitutional”.