Jahseh Dwayne Ricardo Onfroy, or Xxxtentacion as he’s known professionally, was an American rapper, singer, songwriter, and father-to-be who was shot and killed on 18 July 2018. Xxxtentacion’s untimely demise garnered much media attention as it would appear that he predicted his death.
Witnesses of his shooting claim he said something to the extent of “what the f**k is going on?” but this has not been verified. His last known words were spoken in a lengthy and inspiring message to his fans that ended with “I love you guys, have a good one”.

Xxxtentacion’s 04:47 long Instagram Live message, while comforting and ultimately inspiring to his fans, focuses heavily on death and how he hopes to be remembered when his time comes which leads many to speculate that he saw his death coming. Here’s what you need to know.
Xxxtentacion’s Last Words
On 18 June 2018, Xxxtentacion was leaving the Riva Motorsports dealership when he was gunned down by two armed men driving a dark-colored SUV. Eyewitnesses recall Xxxtentacion saying something along the lines of “what the f**k is going on?” when confronted.
Though his actual last words can’t be confirmed, the last that he spoke to his fans can be. In the lengthy Live, Xxxtentacion addresses many things including following your own path, being a good person, dealing with depression, and — notably — what he hopes happens when he dies.
He starts off by saying “Alright, let’s say worse things come to worse, I f***ing die a tragic death or some sh*t and I’m not able to see out my dreams. I at least wanna know that the kids perceive my message and are able to make something of themselves and able to take my message and use it and turn it into something positive and to at least have a good life.”
Xxxtentacion goes on to say “If I’m gonna die or ever be a sacrifice I wanna make sure that my life made at least five million kids happy. Or they found some kind of answers or resolve in my life, regardless of the negative around my name and regardless of the bad things people say to me. Because I don’t give a f**k because I know my goal in the end and I know what I want for everyone and I know what my message is.”
He proceeds to acknowledge and appreciate his fans and encourages them to “not let your depression make you, not let your body define your soul” while reminding them of how special they all are. Before ending his Live with “I love you guys, have a good day” he speaks of how he is struggling to accept the feelings he has around Jocelyn Amparo Flores’ suicide.
Celebrity Tributes To Xxxtentacion
Though he was just getting started in the industry, it was clear that he had made quite an impact on others. Of course, his family members, friends, and fans were devastated by the news of his death but other famous rappers stepped up to pay their respects on social media.
Kanye West tweeted “Rest in peace. I never told you how much you inspired me when you were here. Thank you for existing.” T-Pain tweeted “Man, damn X, You JUST turned it around brother. Senseless bro. No reason. We gotta do better man.”
Tyga took to Instagram to share a photo of the young rapper with a heartfelt caption “Such a sad feeling today. Losing a good artist. Nothing is worth losing your life. I’m really sad about this and hurt how things have changed, so many new young good artists that need to realize their platform and influence.”
Close friend and Blink182 drummer Travis Barker tweeted “I’m at a loss for words…speechless #RIPXXXTentacion You were a true artist, one of the most f***ing talented of our time.” and posted on Instagram “Spoke to you weeks ago my brother…I loved collaborating with you and was honored to call you a friend. Your music will live forever.”
Noah Cyrus, who collaborated with Xxxtentacion on his track ‘Again’, said in an Instagram post “I don’t know what to say… i’m sorry and we’ll miss you doesn’t cut it. no one deserves to go this young. I found a friend in you, someone with no judgement. someone who understood what being judged felt like. you were someone who was trying to better themselves.”