Women in the US government face many issues on a daily basis, but there is one among these powerful politicians that stand out for her moral and her perseverance, Nancy Pelosi. All the recognition she gets made her famous and many followers wonder where she lives and what her house looks like.
Nancy Pelosi’s primary residence is in Georgetown, Washington, merely 15 minutes away from the White House and the Senate. However, when she’s free, Pelosi always travels back home to her house in San Francisco, California, located in the beautiful neighborhood of Pacific Heights.

Due to her position and responsibilities, people often judge her and make her the center of different political controversies. Let’s dive in a little bit more into her house and daily life.
A Lovely Home
The Democrat Nancy Pelosi and her husband live in Georgetown, Washington, in a 2,325 sq ft condo on K street that costs $2.6 million. The property is located 15 minutes away from the White House making it easier for Pelosi to focus on her job.
The Pelosi family bought this place back in 1999 for $625.000 to help Nancy with her political career. Leaving all political issues aside, Georgetown is home to lots of active and retired politicians, which probably makes Pelosi and Trump neighbors when in DC.
The complex Pelosi lives in is extremely private and there are no actual photos of her apartment; however, plenty of sources have reviewed the property as a whole to give people an idea of what’s inside.
The other residential property of the Pelosi is their home in San Francisco, California in the beautiful neighborhood of Pacific Heights. The house valued at $15 million, has over 3,000 sq ft and also works as headquarter of “The Paul Pelosi Family Trust.”
Nancy and her husband Tom, have lived in San Francisco’s Pacific Heights neighborhood since 2007. The couple bought the beautiful mansion for $2.25 million.
Although senators don’t make a lot of money, thanks to her position and extra-political affairs, Nancy Pelosi’s net worth is over $120 million. She and her husband are great investors and the best proof is that their house in San Francisco now costs around $15 million.
The gorgeous property, as shown in the pictures, boasts 3,332 sq ft and it has a classic vibe, as it looks like an old mansion made with red bricks. The details in this house’s exterior make it very eye-catching, but there’s not much information about the inside.
The house has 4 lovely bedrooms, 3 full bathrooms, and even a basement that measures 425 sq ft.
Of course, this is not the only real estate that Ms. and Mrs. Pelossi own; they have many properties.
For example, they own 2 vineyards, one in Napa Valley that produces Cabernet Sauvignon and one in St. Helena that specializes in producing Cabernet Sauvignon, Sauvignon Blanc, and Saignee of Cabernet.
Making A Name for Herself
Nancy’s father was Thomas D’Alessandro, a democratic congressman for Maryland and later mayor of Baltimore. Growing up in this environment made her work as a politician too.
As soon as she graduated from the Trinity College of Washington, she went back to Baltimore for an internship with the democratic senator Daniel Brewster. After a few years, she moved to San Francisco to further pursue her career.
By 1969, Nancy Pelosi already had 5 children with her husband, banker Paul Pelosi. But this wasn’t an impediment to start supporting the Democrats of California from behind the curtains; Pelosi played a major role by helping to raise funds and recruit members.
At age 47, Nancy decided to run as a congresswoman for the Democrat Party. She won the election after recruiting 4000 volunteers and raising $1 million.
Thanks to her natural charm and her social abilities she quickly rose in the scales. By 2001, she became the first woman to ever lead a party in the congress by winning the job of House Minority Leader.
She used this position as leverage to take back the congress and after a few years, she did it. The democrats took the congress again after 14 years by winning in both chambers and Nancy Pelosi became the first female Speaker of the House.
Dealing with The Haters
Her actions to support LGBT rights, the gun control laws, and the impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump earned her a large number of Republican haters. In January 2021, some Trump supporters vandalized her house with graffiti and a decapitated pig’s head.
However, the Speaker of the House remains solid in her decisions and is looking forward to ensuring a better quality of life for the American citizens. We’re eager to see what the future holds for her.