Queen Latifah has been in the limelight since the late 80s when she released her first rap album. She has been a voice in highlighting issues black women face, become a world-renowned actress, and has a net worth of over $50,000,000. But does her weight affect her career?
Queen Latifah does not diet to lose and maintain her weight. She relies on a nutritional eating plan and regular exercise to keep herself happy and healthy. Eating a lot of vegetables and lean meats while drinking a lot of water is how Queen Latifah manages to stay in shape.

Keep reading to find out more about Queen Latifah’s weight-loss journey, how her image affects her career, and which celebs have followed in her healthy footsteps to add years to their own lives by choosing to switch to a healthier lifestyle.
Queen Latifah’s Weight-Loss Journey
At the height of her career, Queen Latifah was battling depression which resulted in her gaining weight. Although she was happy with how she looked, Queen Latifah received pushback from members of the entertainment industry, namely those involved in ‘Living Single,’ and she has been asked to lose weight for a part she was offered.
This was the first body-shaming experience that Queen Latifah had experienced in her career back in the 90s. She is quoted saying, “I can remember specifically doing ‘Living Single’ and the word came down that we needed to lose weight. Here we are, four different women, four different body types, and we needed to lose weight.”
Back then and now still, Queen Latifah is a body-positive woman who loves all her curves. Ahead of her 40th birthday in 2010, People asked about her weight loss and she responded, “I wish I had known more about nutrition and exercise and how really good it could affect you at a younger age. Then I would have kicked it up a lot sooner.”
Even though her figure may have changed over the years, Queen Latifah has maintained that health is the most important aspect of anyone’s weight-loss journey. Dieting is not something that she does and relies on her moderate eating habits to maintain her healthy physique.
How Has Queen Latifah Lost Weight?
Being body-positive doesn’t give you a license to be unhealthy, at least that is what Queen Latifah believes. She has always loved herself no matter what her dress size is, but she has recently taken to heart the true meaning of it. Loving yourself means treating yourself right.
Healthy is usually synonymous with diets and workout plans, but Queen Latifah is not using either and still managed to drop 20 pounds and keep it off. She does this by doing a few exercises including yoga, boogie-boarding, and even pole dancing.
What has really made a difference in Queen Latifah’s life is her love for nutritious and delicious food. Pairing lean proteins and low-fat dairy products along with everything being eaten in moderation, the star has developed a healthy relationship with food and her body.
From avocado and egg white toast in the mornings to salmon salad for dinner, Queen Latifah has not been fooled into believing that carbs are bad, or that eating less is the way to go. In fact, the opposite has worked for her. She eats five meals a day and makes sure to eat plenty of vegetables and drink loads of water.
Which Other Celebs Have Had A Weight-Loss Transformation?
Adele wowed us all by losing 100 pounds. This was achieved over a period of two years and was no easy feat. In a sit-down interview with Oprah – who has a marvellous weight-loss story too – Adele explained that it took a lot of heavy lifting and circuit training to shed the pounds.
Drew Carrey opened up to Success about his struggle with unhealthy eating and drinking which lead him to develop type 2 diabetes. It took Drew an entire overhaul of his belief system in order to turn his health around for good.
Chris Pratt transformed his body for his role as Starlord in ‘Guardians of the Galaxy.’ Losing 60 pounds in total, his exercise regime consisted of four-hour workouts every day. Running, swimming, and kickboxing his way to Marvel hero status.
Rebel Wilson stunned fans when she announced on the Drew Barrymore Show that she had lost a whopping 40 pounds. Having deemed 2020 as her ‘Year of Health’, Rebel applied a holistic approach to her weight-loss journey.