Fans of First We Feast’s show Hot Ones might have spotted a certain well-known A-list celebrity trying his hand at eating some spicy wings. For his attempt at surviving the too hot to handle gauntlet of food in front of him, Jeff Goldblum chose to have vegan chicken wings, but was it because he’s actually vegan?
Jeff Goldblum is not a vegan, despite rumors and suggestions that he might be. Although he is not vegan, he has made several references to being more mindful of the kind of food he is eating.

Goldblum definitely isn’t vegan, as even on the Hot Ones episode where he’s eating vegan wings, we can see him with a glass of milk. It’s possible that the milk he was drinking was vegan too, but it was never explicitly mentioned.
What got the rumor started that he was vegan?
The Veggie Grill Spotting
Goldblum may have made mention of it at an earlier date, but one of the first hints we got that Goldblum could be a vegan was when he was spotted at Veggie Grill. The restaurant chain deals in providing a fast-food service for a vegan customer base.
Kevin Smith apparently spotted him there, giving us the first of a few hints over the years that Goldblum may have chosen to avoid walking the same path as his pursuer in Jurassic Park and sworn off eating meat.
A rare sighting of Goldblum in the wild, and at a vegan fast-food place, but it’s still not concrete evidence of vegetarianism or veganism.
The Meat Free Hot Ones
In his appearance on the show Hot Ones, a show where the guests are confronted by a series of hard-hitting questions over a course of increasingly spicy chicken wings, Goldblum opted to have non-meat wings.
It never came up as a point of conversation, and he never discussed any specific motivations for picking vegan wings over the course of the show, but it is interesting that he chose a vegan variety.
With the Veggie Grill scenario and the Hot Ones appearance, it may have started to look like the evidence was stacking up in favor of a vegan Goldblum, but it doesn’t seem to be the case. Normally, if a guest is vegan, they will also have a substitute for the life-saving milk that is a part of the show’s format, but it was never mentioned in the Goldblum episode.
So, you might be thinking that maybe he’s just vegetarian, and not vegan. If those were your hopes, however, they will be in vain.
The World According to Jeff Goldblum
In a show with a title that accurately sums up exactly what you’re going to be watching, The World According to Jeff Goldblum explores Goldblum’s various day to day interactions in the world that he inhabits.
Amongst episodes where he does some exploring of every-day items of cultural significance, such as an episode about sneakers and another about ice-cream, Goldblum eventually lands on the topic of food.
Specifically, alternatives to meat and the way that we source it were one of the topics investigated by an episode. We see Goldblum dabbling in alternatives such as smart meat and even going as far as to eat crickets.
The meat alternative seems to be entirely synthetic so that probably qualifies for veganism, but the crickets are a little questionable.
Deciding whether or not the eating of crickets disqualifies you from vegan or vegetarian membership is an argument that still continues on. Arguments continue on about whether or not it’s ethical, about whether or not the life of an insect is the same as any of the other animals, and the efficiency or efficacy of eating them is worth it.
Although it’s likely all of a moot point anyway since it’s almost certain that Goldblum isn’t vegan or has any plans to go vegan any time soon, seeing as how he’s never mentioned it.
From Goldblum Himself
Putting the matter to rest is Goldblum himself, stating that he eats “lean protein”. Although it’s never specifically stated, it seems to strongly imply that he does eat meats of some kind.
Whatever the case may be, at least Goldblum is looking for the healthiest lifestyle possible, and whether that means vegan or not vegan, whatever works for him is great.