Smart vs. intelligent, there is a difference, believe it or not. Smart is something you learn, the knowledge you gain over the years increases your smarts. Intelligence is something you’re born with, your ability to learn, and is linked to your IQ. You would think the owner of Tesla and SpaceX would at least have smarts, but what about intelligence? What is Elon Musk’s IQ?
It’s estimated that Elon Musk’s IQ is 155 – though an exact number is not known, at least publicly. Based on a previous aptitude test that he’s taken and his various abilities, it is generally accepted that his IQ is around 155.

I’m sure we’d all agree that Elon Musk has made some smart business decisions over the years. How many elementary school-aged children were selling code in the early 1980s? Musk was, and that wasn’t even his smartest business decision. One would think that at that age intelligence also played a role in that transaction.
Smart vs. Intelligent
Smart is a learned application, an earned status, and can be applied to different factors such as choices and sarcasm. Whether it’s book smart, or street smart, you need to put in the effort to be smart, to gain the knowledge.
Intelligence is inherent, some people are just naturally better at math, or music. You can’t teach intelligence, and it’s generally received as a higher compliment to be told you’re intelligent, as opposed to smart.
You can be smart but not very intelligent, or intelligent but not have much smarts, or sense. Or, you can be both, this generally applies to those born with a certain level of intelligence. They tend to read more and gain more knowledge, and due to their intelligence are able to retain that information and apply it as required.
Intelligence Quotient
Intelligence quotient, or IQ, is a total score that is calculated based on several standardized tests. The modern IQ number is calculated by starting at 100, and then adding or subtracting 15 points for each standard subtest, based on how one performed it.
Intelligence numbers are all guestimates, and intangible, as opposed to solving a definitive question such as how many eyes does the average person have. While they are abstract and not concrete, a person’s IQ is still able to associate them with certain categories, such as mortality and social status.
After almost 100 years of investigating, researchers have been unable to find a link between intelligence and heredity. Neither have they been able to differentiate between men and women.
Average Person’s IQ
Many people want to know where they fit into the rest of the world when it comes to their IQ, and what is the average IQ. Just as an IQ is not a concrete number, neither are the averages. The average varies by country, the United States has an average IQ of 98, while Hong Kong has an average of 108.
Approximately 68% of people have an IQ between 85 and 115. On the opposite ends of the scale, less than 2.5% have an IQ below 70, and another 2.5% have an IQ above 130.
What Does It All Mean?
Honestly? Not a whole heck of a lot. There is some controversy surrounding IQ tests and outcomes. A lot of false information is used to come up with assumptions, creating turmoil amongst different societal groups.
Some argue that the system was set up by Western Europeans, and therefore those who do not share the same culture have a disadvantage when taking the tests.
Other areas that can influence IQ testing, such as the environment in which the test taker is a part of. Those who have access to cleaner air, better foods, and less infectious diseases tend to do better on the tests.
Smart and Intelligent
There’s no doubt that Elon Musk is both smart and intelligent. He’s been able to use both of these to his advantage throughout his life.
Not only has it brought him to the head of companies like Tesla and SpaceX, but he’s also one of the richest people alive, with a personal wealth valued at several billion dollars.
Throughout his career, I’m pretty sure that he never won, or lost, a project or gig based on what his IQ is. It might be 155, which is very rare, and only a few people worldwide rank that high, but, it doesn’t matter. Who he is and what he’s done is what has gotten him to where he is, and what he’ll be remembered for.