From mishaps between friends on Friends to the movies they have been a part of together, then a short-lived relationship, what is the situation between Paul Rudd and Jennifer Anniston like now?
Paul Rudd and Jennifer Aniston appear to be friends, working in multiple projects, and appearing on social media together. They seem to have successfully maintained a good friendship even after their breakup.

Although they are friends now, even after a breakup, the relationship between the two wasn’t always the sunshine and roses that it is now. Some mishaps involving an unfortunately mistimed joke and a lack of control while riding a Segway poisoned the waters of their friendship at the beginning.
Rudd’s Segway Trick
In a story that Rudd has told multiple times, throughout different interviews on a variety of celebrity news outlets or entertainment shows, he details an event that has him not stepping on anyone’s toes, but running over them.
Rudd paints us a picture of the scene, it’s himself, Matt LeBlanc, and Jennifer Aniston. Aniston had just broken her toe and was showing off not only her wound but her new Segway, the two-wheeled technological marvel designed for letting the user roll around with ease.
There were a lot of eager takers to have a shot on the Segway, and first up was Matt LeBlanc. Of course, to show regular and fan-favorite LeBlanc it was no problem.
He immediately got the hang of the device, rolling around with the kind of practiced ease that inspired Rudd to also want to have a shot at riding it.
Unfortunately for Rudd, or more importantly unfortunately for Aniston, Rudd was not such a quick learner. After fumbling with the device he mistakenly turned and rolled in the wrong direction, straight over Aniston’s foot.
Naturally, as you can imagine, having a large two-wheeled device supporting the full weight of a fully grown adult male is exactly what you want to have rolling over your feet, especially with a broken toe.
This gets things started on the wrong foot, so to speak. It wasn’t over yet, however, Rudd would have another chance to make a good impression and redeem himself for his performance on the Segway.
Comedic Timing
Rudd’s next unfortunate mishap with the Friends star was during the filming of the final episode of the show’s 10 season run.
The cast, the writers, and the team that worked on the show were like a family after having worked so long. When anything involving so many people, working so tirelessly together, comes to an end, it’s an emotional moment.
This was the exact scenario that Rudd found himself in, having been called in for a final guest appearance. Not being a regular, Rudd wasn’t affected in the same way as the rest of the cast, and despite enjoying being part of the legendary show he wasn’t swept up in the emotions of the situation.
This emotional juxtaposition led him to approach Aniston, who was tearfully embracing one of the writers, Marta Kauffman. Seeking to add some levity to the situation, Rudd announced, “What a ride!”
Although it was definitely funny, the timing might have been a little off, as according to Rudd the joke fell completely flat.
New Projects and New Relationships
Based on the fact that they later worked on a movie together, it sounds like the worst of the damage done in their initial interactions was physical. The two both agreed to star together in a movie, a romantic comedy to be specific.
Their romantic entanglements on-screen led into some frisky business off-screen as well, since the pair entered into a relationship following the release of the movie. Although it wouldn’t last too long, they must have at least parted amiably, since they were in another movie together in 2012.
Whatever the case may be with their reasons for breaking up, they clearly also retained a friendship out of it, as the pair have been seen together on numerous other occasions. That includes an awards evening, where Aniston got to have a little jab at her long-time friends’ apparent inability to age.
It looks like the two are good friends, and considering all they’ve been through together, will probably remain that way!