Youtube’s infamous Paul brothers are known far and wide for the antics they get up to and the various controversies that they often find themselves in. One such controversy that older brother Logan became embroiled in was the question of his potential colorblindness, which if true and he had deuteranopia, he might not have been able to see the true color of his own eyes!
Logan Paul’s eye color is green, one of the rarer colors. Logan appears to be the only one of his immediate family that possesses the recessive trait which gives him his green eyes.

The whirlpool of interconnected genetics and traits that determine our eye color can be baffling and confusing, especially when you tie them together with the effects those things can have on our personalities. In the case of Paul, how statistically unlikely is it for him to be the only member of his family with green eyes, and exactly what does that say about the young Youtube star’s personality?
Emeralds Amongst Brown Topaz
If you have a quick look at the eyes of the other Paul family members, you’ll see that they all have some shade of brown eyes, making Logan the only Paul that has a unique set of green eyes, separating him from his parents and siblings. What are the chances that Logan would be the only one in his family with green eyes, and with an equally rare blonde hair?
The fact that both of Logan’s parents both have blonde hair takes care of that particular aspect, meaning that they both only have blonde alleles. This makes the color combination significantly less unlikely since he only had to inherit one set of recessive genes in order to earn his green eyes.
Logan can happily count himself amongst two percent of the population to possess this eye color. If you share the same color, you’ll not only be part of that club with Logan, but also with the likes of celebrities Scarlett Johansson, Emma Stone, Jon Hamm, and Channing Tatum, just to name a few.
Can He See His Own Eye Color?
After the whole colorblindness affair, over the course of which he claimed to have deuteranopia, you might be left wondering if he can even see his own eye color assuming that his statements were true.
Certainly, if his color blindness is particularly green-weak (deuteranomaly) then he will have trouble seeing his eye color as being anything other than a yellowish-grey. Hopefully, he’s not actually color blind, as it would be a shame to miss out on seeing that you’ve got one of the rarest and striking eye colors.
What Does Logan’s Eye Color Say About Him?
The color of someone’s eyes is one of their most important features, the metaphorical ‘gateway to the soul’, your eyes will betray all of your true feelings and intentions to anyone who meets your gaze. More than that, however, your eyes and eye color can also tell you a lot about your personality, so what do they tell us about Logan Paul?
One common theme that you’ll find on a list of traits amongst the green-eyed is that they are an indication of creativity. That’s definitely one point you can give to the eldest Paul brother, as Logan has essentially built his empire on that one quality, employing his creative streak in the pursuit of growing his Youtube channel.
Some of his detractors might not be too enthusiastic about labeling his at times inflammatory videos as ‘creative’, but it’s hard to deny it. His skilled manipulation of Youtube and the way that he has branded himself and his channel, whilst not the kind of thing one might commonly consider creative, has proven his ability to think outside of the box and his success in looking for new and exciting content to produce.
We’ve all heard of the phrase the “green-eyed monster,” implying a feeling of jealousy, but one thing is for sure, Logan has absolutely nothing to be jealous about. Although he’s had some ups and downs, with a few particular incidents that almost put his Youtube career on life support, his continued work ethic and emergence into the world of boxing has put him back on top of the world for the foreseeable future.