Whether you keep up with the Kardashians or not, Kim Kardashian has essentially become a household name. More than just a reality TV star, Kardashian is a gorgeous woman who oozes with femininity and has essentially turned those gifts into her brand, which now includes her own line of perfumes.
Kim Kardashian has a selection of custom perfumes to choose from, by KKW Fragrances, but has also expressed a preference for Michael by Michael Kors. Gardenia in particular is a scent that she enjoys.

It is to be expected that Kardashian likely wears one of her own perfumes, as she has active participation in their creation. Looking at the kind of scents those perfumes have, and where their inspiration comes from, tells us a lot about Kardashian’s personal tastes.
White Flowers
Whether it is fragrances, colors, styles, or anything that’s dictated by personal taste, whatever you happen to be hot for today might well change tomorrow. That’s usually what the case is, at least.
When it comes to Kardashian’s favorite scents, however, she’s had her heart won over by one particular set of fragrances. Almost anything that has managed to capture the smell of white flowers like tuberose, jasmine, and gardenia.
Since she has her own line of fragrances, experimentation with different palettes of tones is a fundamental part of the job, but according to her, she will always do her best to include one of those aforementioned flowers into the mix.
Taking a look at some of the perfumes that she has on offer from her KKW Fragrances brand, you can definitely see the theme of white flowers in all the perfumes that she has had a hand in making.
A Stroll Through The Gardenia
Though she has thrown multiple white flowers into the mix when it comes to her preferred scent, it becomes increasingly difficult to ignore the clear favorite that she has. Her petalled pick for the top spot is without a doubt gardenia.
It’s her favorite to the point that one of the products her brand produced is entirely based around it; the perfume KKW Crystal Gardenia. Working together with perfumer Nicole Mancini, Kardashian truly created a perfume that was perfectly suited to her, as well as anyone else who loves those white floral tones in their perfume.
At every level of note, there’s a white flower. A fruity mix accompanied by water lily on the top notes, and a floral mixture of her favorites gardenia and tuberose on the middle notes.
Though the fragrance itself is unique and feminine, just like Kardashian, it’s not the only part of the perfume that possesses those qualities. The bottle itself is a beautiful crystal shape, perfectly complementing the name.
Strangers being exposed to the fragrance for the first time certainly seem to agree on the floral aspect, as well as the feeling of femininity that the scent manages to conjure. In a video by Harper’s BAZAAR, the smell even manages to persuade one woman who claims to never wear perfume to actually rub some on her wrist!
Most of the people who were interviewed were actually surprised that it was Kardashian who made the perfume, but it shouldn’t be too shocking really, since she has made her natural gifts of beauty and femininity such a huge part of her profession.
Fragrance Inspirations
One thing you might be wondering is what perfume Kardashian had before she had her beauty product empire to draw from. Hopefully, you aren’t getting sick of hearing about white flowers, because, for her favorite perfume and future inspiration, you’re going to be getting a lot more of them.
As other people have noted, Kardashian’s first perfume bore a striking similarity to the perfume Michael by Michael Kors. Taking a single look at what some of the notes and tones of that perfume are will immediately inform you of the reason why it was one of Kardashian’s favorites.
It’s no wonder that she incorporated a similar smell into her very first perfume, especially seeing as how she had apparently stated that she wore Michael by Michael Kors as her everyday scent!
Of course, her favored fragrance has grown and evolved since then, but it’s interesting to see where the inspiration first got started.