In his multiple appearances on film and television, Johnny Depp has expressed an incredible ability to play a wide range of roles, from the eccentric chocolatier Willy Wonka in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to the titular artificial humanoid in Edward Scissorhands and the resourceful pirate Jack Sparrow in the long-running Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. His improvisational skills and natural talent as an actor have garnered him considerable acclaim and attention over the years, but what personality type is Johnny Depp?
While Johnny Depp has repeatedly proven his ability to play a variety of fascinating, charming, or even menacing characters, the Myers-Briggs personality type that best describes this multitalented performer is the INFP. Depp is not the only famous INFP, nor is he the only famous INFP in the film industry, and the unique traits that define this personality type have even been reflected in some of the characters he has portrayed on the silver screen.

Who Is An INFP?
IDR Labs, which stands for Individual Differences Research, is a company that offers a variety of services on its website, These services include a myriad of personality tests, expert assessments of personality types, and both free and premium articles on multiple topics ranging from psychology to philosophy.
One of the tests offered by IDR Labs is a personality type test, which is derived from the influential works of Myers, Briggs, and Jung. Aside from the test itself, the website features detailed and exhaustive lists of famous people who belong to these personality types.
According to IDR Labs’ list of famous INFPs, Johnny Depp is one of them. He is listed along with director Tim Burton, who he has worked with on several occasions, and actress Mia Wasikowska, who was his co-star in Burton’s 2010 film version of Alice in Wonderland.
What Is An INFP?
What exactly is the INFP personality type? INFP is an acronym of four words, each of which describes a unique aspect of this personality type.
The “I” in INFP stands for introverted. As introverts, INFPs receive their energy by spending time alone, rather than around other people as extroverts do, which is why they may appear to be less sociable.
The letter “N” comes from the word intuitive. Instead of focusing on details and facts, INFPs are more interested in concepts and ideas, which they can then use to understand something.
The “F” in INFP is for feeling, and it describes how INFPs make decisions. Rather than strictly relying on material evidence, they determine their next course of action based on their instincts, values, and experience, though this may not necessarily lead to the right decision.
Lastly, the letter “P” stands for perceiving. While some people prefer to have their schedules extensively planned out, INFPs are characterized by their spontaneity and an ability to adjust to whatever the day might have in store for them.
While INFPs are known to be unconventional and free-spirited, they can also be mild-mannered and reserved. They are caring and empathetic towards others, particularly those in need.
INFPs firmly hold to their beliefs but are also willing to listen to the viewpoints and opinions of others. They have vivid imaginations and are idealistic dreamers who often exist in their own inner world.
What INFP Character Has Depp Played?
Given that Depp is an experienced actor who has been responsible for bringing so many unique characters to life, it makes perfect sense that his personality type possesses such innate artistic and creative skills.
Of the many films and television shows in which he has appeared, has Johnny Depp ever played an INFP character? Interestingly, one of Depp’s best-known roles was as an INFP.
The 1993 film Edward Scissorhands tells the story of an artificial humanoid whose inventor died before he could complete him. Because he was never finished, Edward has actual scissors for hands and lives in relative isolation until he is discovered by an ordinary human who welcomes him into her family.
Like Depp, Edward Scissorhands is an INFP. Edward lived alone for years but enjoys the company of others once he finally has a chance to interact with other people.
Edward is also a considerate and selfless character who shows genuine care and concern for others and will go to great lengths to protect the people he cares about.
Check out the trailer for Edward Scissorhands in the video below:
While there are multiple aspects to Johnny Depp’s personality and how it is reflected in his work as an actor, there are many admirable elements of his INFP personality that have shone through in some of his greatest roles.