Kim Kardashian is known for a lot of things and most recently it’s for pursuing a career as a lawyer. So what did she score on the SATs to be able to pursue a law career?
Kim Kardashian’s SAT score is unknown. Since she attended a prestigious private school, however, she likely scored quite high. However, after high school, she only attended a Community College before dropping out completely.

You can read more below about what people guess her intelligence and SAT scores to be and how she is now becoming a lawyer without a college degree.
Kim Kardashian’s Intellect
While many like to criticize the Kardashian clan for below-average intelligence and the publicity they constantly receive, this could not be further from the truth. The entire group appears to be highly intelligent and master marketers.
For example, as Alexander Ramsbottom put it in a Quora response, Kim’s siblings Kourtney and Rob are both highly intelligent. He was able to determine this by looking at the universities that they were accepted to after high school.
It’s determined that Kourtney got at least 1450 on her SATs because she was accepted to Southern Methodist University. Rob probably scored even higher since he was accepted to the University of Southern California.
USC is a university where you need to have an average of at least 1360 on your SATs to even be considered as an applicant.
So what about Kim?
While her SAT score isn’t known, many have at least speculated that she could have scored within the 1500 range. This is because many believe that she had an above-average IQ probably somewhere between 120 and 130.
However, IQ is not directly related to how well a person does on tests.
A 2014 study published in Science Magazine stated that after examining 6000 pairs of twins they found that it was genetics related to motivation, personality, confidence, and more along with intelligence that determined academic achievement. It’s not just intelligence alone.
On top of this, genetics account for only about 50% of the differences in intelligence between all people. So as the daughter of a highly intelligent lawyer, Kardashian has about 50% of his genetics contributing to her intelligence.
You can watch Kim Kardashian speaking with Vogue about the end of KUWTK and her pursuit of a law career in the below video.
Kim Is Becoming a Lawyer
Speaking of her lawyer father, Kim Kardashian is now following in the footsteps of her father and pursuing a career in law. But how is that even possible considering she doesn’t have any post-secondary education?
Well, in the state of California, there are two ways to go about becoming a lawyer. There is the traditional way which means getting a bachelor’s degree, applying to law school, and then graduating and taking the bar.
Or there is the non-traditional way which includes a four-year apprenticeship with a practicing lawyer, taking what is known as the baby bar, and then finally the bar to be able to practice law.
In Kardashian’s case, she is going down the non-traditional route. She has been doing her apprenticeship with the human rights lawyer Jessica Jackson.
In 2020, Kardashian revealed on season 20 of Keeping Up With the Kardashians that she has to take the ‘baby bar’ to continue with her law studies.
The ‘Baby Bar’ is an exam that all first-year law students have to pass to continue with their studies. They also don’t receive credit for any of their studies until they pass this exam.
To prepare for the single-day seven-hour-long exam, Kardashian was studying 10.5 hours a day.
Kim Kardashian decided to pursue a career as a lawyer after she became heavily involved in prison reform cases. She worked with lawyers to help release Alice Marie Johnson from prison.
Johnson had been imprisoned on nonviolent drug charges in 1996. It was Kim’s role in helping Johnson be granted clemency that made her want to do more to help with criminal justice reform in the United States.
She told Vogue that when she addressed Trump about granting clemency to Johnson “I would say what I had to say, about the human side and why this is so unfair. But I had attorneys with me who could back that up with all the facts of the case.”
It was this that made her feel the need to do more and learn more. While her SAT score is unknown, Kim Kardashian has made it clear that she is an intelligent individual.