Although you most likely know her from decades of performances in movies and television shows, Jennifer Garner is a multi-talented individual, wearing many hats other than just being an actress. Is one of the skills in her repertoire the ability to sing?
Jennifer Garner can sing, in addition to her acting abilities, and has featured on a duet with well-known Italian opera singer Andrea Bocelli. She has never released any music, but definitely has the talent to do so.

Her duet in that operatic style is Garner’s sole “official” release as a singer, but it’s not the only time that she has been given the opportunity to show off her vocals. By the quality of her singing on those other occasions, she could have easily decided on a career other than being an actress!
The Alias Blues
If you love everything Jennifer Garner, or if you happen to be a superfan of her show Alias which first aired in 2001, then you’ll probably already know which scene we’re going to be talking about here.
What we’re about to see is actually the first-ever glimpse of Garner singing, and honestly, it’s so good that it leaves you wondering if they just used some kind of voice-over for the scene. Turns out it’s all Garner, however.
The scene sees Garner as beloved character Sydney Bristow, in all her double agent glory, assuming the identity of a bluesy singer at a club. She delivers a soulful and intense Garnerfied version of Buddy Johnson’s 1945 song “Since I Fell For You,” leaving both the characters in the room and audiences at home mystified.
Perhaps, in addition to the awards she picked up for her acting on the show, she should have been nominated for a few based on her singing performance!
Something Classical
Singing a steamy blues number on the set of your flagship television show is one thing, but stepping into the recording booth to do a classical number in a duet with a veteran opera singer?
Stepping up to that challenge is exactly what Garner did in 2019, where she was paired up with Andrea Bocelli on “Dormi Dormi Lullaby.” It was an entirely different world from the one she had sung in previously, and even though she clearly possesses a natural singing voice, there was a lot of work to be done to hit those perfect notes.
Garner talks about how she had to take plenty of lessons prior to the recording if she wanted to really do justice to the song, the opportunity, and to Bocelli. Some of the added difficulty in singing the song might have been the fact that she also had to sing in Italian for a part of the track.
Singing in a different language, singing alongside a classically trained and renowned singer, it almost sounds overwhelming in how challenging it must have been. Apparently, Garner agrees, as in an interview she expressed how she was so nervous that it brought her to tears during recording.
Just Having Fun
Outside of television shows making it a necessity, or having to pour effort into a professional-level performance, it seems like Garner just simply enjoys singing. Even if that singing is more silly or whimsical in nature, she loves to perform.
It turns out that when it comes to music, she’s not just limited to singing, she’s a songwriter too!
In an Instagram post, we can see Garner together with Juliette Lewis performing what Garner describes as her “Friday night anthem.” Although they struggle to get the piece going without giggling and laughing, eventually they manage to complete it.
It’s not the first time that she’s surprised an unexpecting audience with a homemade song, either. She did something very similar while onstage for the Save the Children celebration.
Save the Children is an organization that Garner has done a lot of work, and actively served as a board member for, so it’s a cause that is extremely near and dear to her heart. To celebrate that, and to provide even more of a signal boost to the cause, she once again unleashed her singing talents upon the world.
Seems that when you’re as talented as Garner is, acting is just one of the hats that you can wear, and needless to say singing is one of those too!