Billie Eilish is an award-winning singer and songwriter whose songs often tell tales about self-image, loss, depression, and – most of all – love. But does Billie Eilish have a boyfriend?
Billie Eilish is thought to be dating a Los Angeles-based actor, writer, producer, and podcaster by the name of Matthew Tyler Vorce. Though the pair are yet to officially confirm their relationship, they’ve apparently been dating since early 2021.

Are you keen to find out all there is to know about Billie Eilish’s love life, who she is dating now, who she has dated in the past and why she insists on keeping her relationships secret? Then be sure to read this article until the end as all of the above will be revealed.
Who Is Billie Eilish Dating Now?
Everyone knows that Billie likes to keep her relationships under wraps, but this time around it seems one slipped through the cracks. In April of 2021, Billie and a mystery man were snapped while out and about in California’s Santa Barbara.
After this, the pair had been spotted together numerous times doing everything from walking her dog Shark to attending costume parties together. It didn’t take long for the media to figure out this mystery man’s identity; one Matthew Tyler Vorce.
Matthew, who goes by Matt, is an actor, writer, producer, and podcaster who is known by some for his role in James Franco’s ‘Mother, May I Sleep With Danger?’.
While neither have officially confirmed their relationship status, it’s widely suspected that they got together in early 2021.
Billie Eilish’s Brief Dating History
Though the star does her best to keep her love life private, the public is aware of a handful of her past relationships. Before she supposedly began dating Matthew, Billie had two boyfriends.
In an interview with Rolling Stone, she said, “I’ve been in two relationships. But I’ve never been in something really real and normal.” In a different interview, this time with GQ, she revealed, “Here’s a bomb for you: I have never felt desired. My past boyfriends never made me feel desired. None of them. And it’s a big thing in my life.”
Her first boyfriend was a man by the name of Henry Whitford, with whom she shared her first kiss at the age of seventeen. Their relationship was not serious and didn’t seem to last more than a few dates.
Next, Billie began dating an American rapper called Brandon Quention Adams, who also goes by the names ‘Q’ and ‘7: AMP’. The pair dated for a little over a year, and when the media got word of their relationship – and their five-year age gap – they did not paint a pretty picture of the couple.
Billie was not happy about the narrative surrounding her relationship with Brandon. She told Rolling Stone, “Everybody needs to shut up. The doc was a microscopic tiny, tiny little bit of that relationship. Nobody knows about any of that, at all. I wish people could just stop and see things and not have to say things all the time.”
When speaking to The Sun about why her relationship with Q ended, Billie revealed, “I just wasn’t happy. I didn’t want the same things he wanted and I don’t think that’s fair for him. I don’t think you should be in a relationship super excited about things that the other person couldn’t care less about.”
Why Is Billie Eilish Secretive About Relationships?
Perhaps the reason why Billie has yet to confirm her new beau is because of her views on relationships as a whole. The star has opened up about her feelings about relationships several times over the past few years.
The Sun reports Billie said, “I definitely want to keep relationships private. I’ve had relationships and kept them private, and even the ones that I’ve had; with the tiny amount that I’ve let the world see, I regret. So, I can’t even imagine.”
She continues, “I think about the people that have made their relationships public, and then they break up, and it’s like ‘What if it goes bad?’”
The sentiment above applies to her fans, too. Billie told BuzzFeed, “I wish that I could tell the fans everything I think and feel and it wouldn’t be on the internet forever…. I don’t like to share that part of my life, and I was not planning on sharing that part of my life ever.”