Chris Hemsworth began his acting career in his native country of Australia, where he starred in the hit soap opera Home and Away, before moving to the United States and achieving great success in films like Thor, Rush, and The Avengers. The actor has maintained a substantial presence on social media and can be found on several of the major social media networks, but has Chris Hemsworth joined the growing number of celebrities on the hugely popular video-sharing app TikTok?
Despite an increasing number of celebrities appearing on the runaway social media success TikTok, including Arnold Schwarzenegger, Katy Perry, and Sam Smith, Chris Hemsworth has yet to become one of them. However, his loyal and imaginative fan base has taken it upon themselves to create their own pages and videos dedicated to the Australian movie star, featuring a wide range of clips from his films and interviews, as well as various online and in-person appearances.

The Fan Accounts
Within the past few years, the social media and video sharing app TikTok has grown exponentially and become a popular hub for Hollywood movie stars, online influencers, and many aspiring artists and creators. The app has not only drawn existing celebrities but has even created some of its very own.
While some celebrities have completely shied away from social media, Chris Hemsworth has official accounts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. He has shown frequent engagement on these accounts and regularly posts new content, much to the delight of his eager fans.
Though he has a large following of fans and admirers, Hemsworth has yet to establish his own account on TikTok. This is somewhat surprising, considering how many of his peers in Hollywood and the entertainment industry have already jumped aboard this digital trend.
If Chris Hemsworth does decide to join TikTok in the future, he may be surprised to find that his name has already been used for multiple accounts on the app. The names of these fan accounts range from chris_hemsworthfan and chrishemsworth_fp to i_chrishemsworth and chrishemsworthofficial, despite having no official endorsement from Hemsworth or his affiliates.
As of now, the fan page with the most followers and likes is chrishemsworth.fp, which posted its first video on May 12, 2019. That first video amassed over 5,000 likes and received nearly 50 comments from other users on TikTok.
The account has gained 236,000 followers and 1.4 million likes across all of its videos in less than two years, and its considerable popularity appears to only be increasing with time.
To see one of this fan account’s more recent videos, check out the video below.
The Fan Videos
The content posted on these unofficial accounts is a testament to the resourcefulness and innovation of Chris Hemsworth’s fanbase. While none of the videos are capable of presenting entirely original material, their creators have consistently demonstrated an ability to take existing content and give it their own imaginative spin.
The videos on TikTok accounts are commonly referred to as TikToks. The TikToks featuring Hemsworth can be broken down into several categories.
The first type of video is a clip or series of clips from his films. These clips may have a filter applied to them to enhance or completely alter the coloring, as well as music or a series of visually dynamic transitions.
The second type of video consists of material from interviews, social media posts, or other appearances in which Hemsworth is just being himself. Much like the first kind of video, they may be accompanied by music, filters, or transitions.
The third type of video incorporates elements of both, resulting in a colorful and kinetic experience for his fans to enjoy. TikTok videos featuring other celebrities, including ones who actually have their own official accounts, are also quite common on the app.
Because there is only so much existing material to work with, it is not unusual to see the same clips on multiple fan accounts. Even so, each rendition offers something new and innovative.
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, people have been spending more time at home and as a result, have been seeking out new forms of entertainment. This has helped expand the potential audience for apps like TikTok, where one can spend many minutes and even hours watching videos.
While it is uncertain as to whether or not Chris Hemsworth plans to officially join TikTok, it would seem that his fans have found more than enough ways to meet the demand in the meantime.