Justin Bieber’s fans, known as “Beliebers” can be aggressive, to say the least when it comes to the teen idol. Someone out there is definitely protecting him from them.
Justin Bieber has bodyguards to protect him from any threats to his well-being. His Head of Security is Michael Arana who was at the forefront of a DUI car crash in 2017. In 2013, Bieber had his bodyguards carry him up the Great Wall of China. The same year, one of Bieber’s former security guards sued him and settled out of court.

Scroll down to read more about Justin Bieber’s Head of Security, the lawsuit, and who else protects him.
Bieber’s Head of Security
Like any massive star with a huge fan following, Justin Bieber needs not just one security guard, but an entire team working to protect him. The person that manages the entire security team would be Micael Arana who goes by Mikey.
Mikey joined Bieber’s team sometime in 2012 and was hired on to be Bieber’s Head of Security. He is an ex-police officer who helps protect Bieber from his mobs of fans.
In a documentary created about bodyguards, titled Bodyguards: Secret Lives From the Watchtower, Bieber recalls that up to the point where he hired Mikey, he had been using this guy named Kenny. Kenny was just one of his friends that was a bigger guy so he figured Kenny could scare people off.
With his growing fandom of Beliebers, it soon became apparent that he needed an actual professional team to protect him from mobs of obsessed teenage girls. So that was when Mikey came in.
In the same documentary, Arana goes on to say that “It may sound crazy, but three or four little girls have so much strength that they would literally rip his shirt.”
One thing that Bieber says he is greatly appreciative of is the fact that his security team helps to give him space when his fans are trying to mob him.
The job working as Bieber’s head of security has given Mikey Arana a ton of opportunity to grow his own business. He is now the CEO of his own Security Consulting Service called Arsec Group.
You can watch the below video of the full documentary Bodyguards: Secret Lives From the Watchtower.
However, like Bieber, Arana has run into some problems with the law. In 2017, he was arrested for causing an accident while driving under the influence and leaving the scene of a crash.
He had rear-ended a police car and injured two police officers in the accident.
Bieber’s Former Security Guard Sues Him
In 2013, right in the middle of multiple other legal problems, Justin Bieber was told that he was being sued by one of his former security guards. This security guard was Moshe Benabou.
Benabou was seeking $420,000 in damages from the ‘What Do You Mean?’ singer. He claimed that Bieber owed him overtime and other wages that were never paid out.
He also stated that the Biebs had verbally assaulted him and then repeatedly struck him in the chest when they had a disagreement. The disagreement was over how to handle one of the members of Justin’s entourage.
According to Benabou, Bieber fired him after he walked away from the assault.
Moshe Benabou’s Lawyer stated “For nearly two years Mr. Benabou devoted himself completely to ensuring Mr. Bieber’s personal safety. Mr. Benabou deserved, as does any employee, to be treated with respect, dignity, and in accordance with the law. Unfortunately, he was not.”
One year after the lawsuit was filed, Benabou and Bieber were able to settle things out of court.
Justin Bieber’s Other Bodyguards
Being the star that he is, Justin Bieber has quite the entourage of security guards. While it is their job to stay in the background, many of them are known to the Belieber community and there is actually an Instagram account dedicated to them.
Some Biebers guards are Keith Gibbs, Lauren Walters, and Brady Willmon. Justin Bieber is also a fan of hiring his countrymen because Lauren Walters is also from Ontario, Canada, and the city of Toronto.
It is also clear that J. Biebs is close to his security detail because they all attended his wedding to Hailey Baldwin. After all, you could technically call the men who keep him safe and protect his life every day his work friends; they certainly spend enough time with him.