It’s a traditional line of thinking that the kind of super-fit bodybuilder physique possessed by superheroes is only possible with a meat-based diet, due to the higher quantities of nutrients and protein available. Does superhero Thor actor Chris Hemsworth require meat in his diet to maintain his body?
Chris Hemsworth has had bouts of adhering to veganism but does not appear to consistently stick to the diet. During the filming of the Marvel movies was the longest that he had stayed strictly vegan.

Even though he may not necessarily be completely vegan anymore, Hemsworth does seem to keep away from animal products as much as possible. Interestingly, Hemsworth actually attributes his ability to stay in such good shape when portraying Thor to the vegan diet.
In The Family
Chris isn’t the only Hemsworth that’s big on the planet and animal-saving traits of the diet. His brothers have also experimented with the diet, with youngest brother Liam proving as the inspiration for his siblings to undertake the lifestyle change.
In the case of Liam, his own transformation to veganism appears to be inspired by his marriage to Miley Cyrus, as the beginning of his journey began at around the same time as he tied the knot with her. That makes sense since it’d probably turn any vegan’s stomach to see their partner chowing down on meat.
Vegans all over the world had reason to rejoin as Liam joined their ranks, as he managed to convert one of the most popular of the Avengers lineup to the cause!
Avenging The Meat Industry
Just imagine that, managing to get Thor himself to swear to veganism. It’s hard to imagine a better poster child for the diet than the Scandinavian god of thunder himself, all muscle and standing at around 6’3.
His entire physique is the opposite of what veganism detractors expect. Any claims of malnutrition or being skinny and pale are totally tossed into the garbage when you see the kind of figure that Hemsworth has.
During those Avengers years, when he was still neck-deep in the Marvel universe, Hemsworth and his trainer actually credited veganism with being the key to staying in such good shape.
In an article titled “Chris Hemsworth’s New Vegan Diet Is Saving The World,” his trainer Luke Zocchi said that instead of getting all of their animal protein from meat, they turned to sources like beans to make up the difference.
Secret Snacks
Even despite the difference that a diet may make to the planet, and the improved health that you may be benefitting from, sometimes a diet just doesn’t feel right for you. Or, maybe you just like to cheat a little.
For the person plagued by a sweet tooth, that cheat can take the form of an extra bit of candy or chocolate. For Hemsworth, the cheat was having the occasional bit of meat, fish, or dairy.
Despite Zocchi’s comments about the protein substitutes, he apparently revealed in an interview that the diet was in fact only 95 percent vegan. It seems that the plant-based diet was punctuated by the odd bit of meat every couple of days.
We can also see Hemsworth indulging in some snacks which are definitely not vegan, much to the chagrin of all the vegans out there hoping that Hemsworth and his muscular physique stay on their side of the war on meat.
Vegetables Getting The Chop
It’s not just Chris that strayed away from living a plants-only life, either. His brother Liam who initially inspired him to take up the diet in the first place was also eventually forced to turn back to a more standard diet involving meat and dairy.
The reasoning behind the shift was due to Liam having some health problems that were allegedly caused by the diet. The biggest issue was the fact that he ended up with a kidney stone, a problem caused by an excess of oxalate, which is a chemical replete in foods typically seen in a vegan diet.
Thankfully it seems that Luke has recovered from his unfortunate brush with unexpected consequences of his diet. Hopefully, with a few tweaks to his nutritional plan, he can get back on the animal and planet-friendly diet, along with his brother Chris!