When she’s not putting in effortlessly winning performances in movies like La La Land, you might be wondering what kinds of products Emma Stone uses to get herself through the day smelling as good as she looks. What is her perfume of choice to do so?
Emma Stone’s perfume of choice is Chanel Gardénia or any number of the Louis Vuitton products that she has endorsed. She has been the face of the branding for more than one line of perfume from Vuitton.

A little bit of diversity in the perfume collection never hurt anyone – or their noses. Stone has a nice little dual selection of perfumes, one of which has an incredibly sweet and heartwarming story behind her fondness of it.
Smells Like Home
The thought of being a movie star like Stone, jetting around the world, and being the star of movies in theatres all around the world, it’s certainly an alluring thought. Perhaps not so alluring, however, is the idea of being so far from home for such long periods of time.
How does this relate to Stone’s choice in Perfumes? Well, that’s all to do with Stone visiting the real La La land, not the one from her movie.
In order to remind herself of home, that place that’s potentially heartachingly all too far away when she’s away on a movie set, Stone will pack some Chanel Gardénia wherever she travels and spray a little of the perfume on her pillows.
Apparently, she loves the feminine smell of the perfume, and it must either remind her of her home or hold a very special place in her heart, as it’s the one that she reaches for when she wants to get to sleep with some sweet dreams.
Stone and Vuitton
Stone’s other main perfume of choice isn’t so much one specific perfume, but an entire brand. As is common, Stone has joined a list of celebrities who have started long-lasting love affairs with luxury brands.
The relationship she found was with French fashion house Louis Vuitton, for whom she became the celebrity ambassador. That relationship resulted in Stone engaging in fashion shows and modeling for the company, and also the endorsement of their perfume.
One of the first glimpses of Stone rocking Vuitton officially in public was while she blessed the red carpet with her presence, clad in some Vuitton attire, in 2017 for the movie premiere of Battle of the Sexes.
Not only was the dress from Vuitton, but so was the majority of the outfit! In the biographical movie, she portrayed iconic number one tennis player Billie Jean King, and she certainly looked like every bit the champion when she made that red carpet walk.
It was the perfect way for Stone to not only debut some of Vuitton’s collection but to also debut herself in her role as an ambassador for the brand.
It was the following year, in 2018, that she had her first outing on a perfume campaign with Vuitton.
Catching Dreams
For her first perfume-themed representation of the brand, Stone was showing off the Jacques Cavallier Belletrud scent “Attrape-Rêves”, which translates into “Dream Catcher”.
Stone definitely managed to catch those dreams in the promotional material, which was a short film featuring her traversing through a number of almost mystical-looking dreamscapes.
The Sam Mandes directed film was perfect for Stone, the masterful combination of direction and acting culminating in exactly the kind of image that Vuitton must have imagined for their Stone-led perfume.
The Scent of The Heart
The next feminine fragrance on the agenda for Vuitton, again spearheaded by Stone, was Cœur Battant. The perfume is aptly named, as it roughly translates into “heart-pounding”, a perfect way to describe Stone.
This scent had a particular emphasis on the idea of emotional transition, or as Stone puts it in the beautifully filmed commercial, her journey. Her journey, and her perfume.
If you want to do a little recreation of the shots featured in the advertisements, you’ll already be half-way there if you get yourself some of the perfume. To complete the picture, you’ll just need to head over to the Bay of Capri in Italy!